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The 15 essential tips for selling your home

The 15 essential tips for selling your home

More and more people want to see their properties in the portfolio of homes to sell from real estate agents. There are several reasons that motivate the sale of a house. It may be due to the appreciation of the property and the good business that it represents at some point, because the family has increased and there is a need for more space, or even because the needs have changed and the family intends to downsize and find a smaller space suitable for a new reality.


Regardless of the situation, the houses to sell are not worth by themselves. It is necessary to have a lot of care to value the property and to make it seem more attractive in the eyes of potential buyers.


In this article, we'll give you 15 essential tips so you can close a win-win deal faster.


Houses to sell: tips and care to be taken with the property

The first impression is the one that is
There is no second chance to make a first good impression. Since this first impression is so often decisive, ensure that the entrance of the property is clean and in good condition. Give the potential buyer the potential buyer the will to proceed with the visit from the very beginning.

Strengthen security
Promote the safety of your potential buyers: clear the tickets and remove any obstacles to ensure that the visit takes place without incident.


Optimize all spaces
There are often forgotten rooms such as the basement, attic or other storage spaces that are not valued. Don't fall for this mistake. Give them the proper prominence, keeping them clean, tidy and well lit. If necessary, refresh the paint. There will always be more arguments in your favor.

Keep the animals away
Although they may be adorable, pets can destabilize, create allergies or leave certain people uncomfortable. Try to keep them at a distance so that the visit is enjoyable for the potential buyer.


Privilege simple décor
It is essential that the potential client feels at ease and is able to project himself onto the property during the visit. Privilege a simple and harmonious decoration, as well as clean and well-airy rooms. Give him the feeling all he has to do is bring his bags.


There's nothing like natural light
Homes for sale benefit from natural light as a form of appreciation. So let the sun in. Climb the blinds and open the curtains so that the potential buyer can see how bright and welcoming your property is.

Pay attention to every detail
The devil hides in the details. Be thorough and don't overlook small details that will help value your property. Be careful to check the operation of all doors, drawers, windows and carpet cleaning, for example.


Repair water leaks
A leaky faucet can completely alter the perception of a bathroom or kitchen, suggesting plumbing problems. Resolve the issue as soon as possible so that issues like this don't discourage your future buyers.


Focus on bathrooms and kitchen
These divisions have a great influence on the purchasing decision, since they are very important utility spaces for any family. Therefore, clean the taps, cover the cracks, place towels and cloths washed and uncheck the counters. Let it all shine!

Ensure good lighting
If visits take place in the late afternoon or evening, do not hesitate to turn on all the indoor and outdoor lights and replace fused lamps. Your home will seem much more welcoming!


Houses to sell: care to be taken during visits to the property

Do not mix visits with conviviality
To make your potential buyers have a positive experience, avoid arranging meetings with family or friends during visits. This can give potential customers the feeling they are bothering, which can lead them to shorten their visit or neglect important aspects of their property.


Give the moment to your visits
It is important to eliminate all elements that may distract your consultant and potential buyer during the visit, such as very loud sounds. In order to get the best possible result, create conditions for both to stay focused and can talk quietly.

Be present, but be moderate
As far as houses to sell are concerned, your real estate agent will be by your side throughout the process. This includes key moments such as property visits. It is important that you receive visitors with sympathy and always keep an eye on them, but avoid distracting them so that they focus on the visit and the advantages of your property. Let the real estate agent conduct the visit and do his magic.


Consider all comments
Stay tuned for comments that potential customers make about your property. It is good that visitors express their opinions, whether positive or negative. Your real estate consultant will take care of intervening if necessary.


Be discreet
A good visit requires preparation. Do not wait for the visitors to put your questions to your real estate consultant. It is preferable to dedicate the visit to potential buyers and give space to your consultant to present them the property in the best way.